Create Your Holiday
Cescot Ferrara
CE.S.COT., founded in 1985 by Confesercenti Trade Association, in order to have a structure of services for formation, development and research for the member enterprises.
At the same pace as the evolution of community, national and regional formation system, during the years CE.S.COT. has enlarged the happened activities and modified the intervention ways, always keeping the historic mission.
Nowadays, CE.S.COT., in a flexibility and diversification policy, plans and supplies servicies related to professional formation, in order to promote the development and to support little and average enterprises in commerce, tourism and servicies sectors.
The facility activity mainly focuses on formation and technical assistance, headed to the business development in order to spread all the tools prone to introduce flexibility and quality elements to reach a efficient management innovation in the company. In addition, it promotes the meeting between the professional demand and offer and guides the professional choices towards the most active and innovative sectors of the territory economy.
CE.S.COT. is authorized by Emilia Romagna Region (L.R. 3/99 art. 205) to manage the orientation activity, starting, continuous and higher formation.
Via Darsena, 178 - 44122 Ferrara
+39 0532 778-555/503/513